Sense speak seek

The Strike it Out Campaign

Speak Out and Seek Help against violence and harassment

Empowering women to Speak Out and Seek Help

Every three days a woman is killed by a man in the UK.

More than 194,000 sexual offences are committed in the space of a year.

And yet less than one in six victims of rape or assault by penetration report the crime to the police. Why is this? It’s because women are uncertain about:

  • sensing something is wrong, a crime is being committed or their personal space is being invaded
  • speaking out - victims can sometimes freeze, stay silent and suffer without telling anyone.
  • seeking help - victims don’t realise they can seek help from nearby.

We are calling for women to stand up against violence and harassment: STRIKE IT OUT.

What should you do?

Bystanders might not realise you are in trouble. Use your voice to tell people around you that you’re in danger, that something is wrong, that you need help.

Gulshen Bano, Founder of Strike it Out campaign: “A real tidal change is needed - we need to empower women to speak up against violence and harassment, not accept that it will happen and then respond to it. We need to change the narrative, and we will only do that when we empower ourselves to speak up when something feels wrong.”

Stand up against violence and harassment by remembering the Three S’s

SENSE does it feel wrong?
SEEK help

Sense speak seek


About the campaign

The Strike It Out campaign - has been formulated by Gulshen Bano, owner of Strike Back Self Defence. Gulshen has experienced numerous violent incidents herself, across all stages of her life. While working as a pharmacist, Gulshen was picked up by an abusive customer and physically dragged over the counter by her lab coat. The turning point for her came when she and her sons were threatened while simply walking down the street. A driver harrassed her and her family, throwing a liquid from the car which - she believed - could have been a corrosive substance. Now Gulshen is on a mission to spread the message to all women that they have a voice - and they have the inner strength to use it.

Media Contact

To request an interview with Gulshen, or to partner with The Strike It Out Campaign, please contact:

Fiona Harrold

[email protected]


For more information about Strike Back Self Defence - the worlds largest female led self defence organization:

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